The Importance of Having an Accident Lawyer

If you’ve just been in an accident and plan to file a claim due to a car accident injury, it’s important to have a lawyer by your side who can help you navigate the process.


While many individuals will try to reach a settlement on their own, this doesn’t always bring the best results. Read on to learn why having a lawyer is important for your case.


Prevents You From Settling Too Early

While it’s certainly possible to negotiate on your own, it’s possible that you may settle too early. This is something to watch out for, especially if you don’t know the full extent of how your injuries will affect you moving forward.


A knowledgeable lawyer will evaluate the incident and your injuries in their entirety and know exactly how much your case is worth to ensure you are fairly compensated.


Helps You Avoid Giving Statements That Will Hurt Your Case

When a victim of an accident chooses to represent themselves, it’s not uncommon for them to say something that can potentially hurt their case.


Even if it isn’t intentional, what you say can certainly be used against you and impact the amount of your settlement and whether you even receive a settlement at all.


On the other hand, a lawyer knows just what to say and not to say to help you maximize your settlement offer.


A Lawyer Can Help Deal With Aggressive Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are known to use aggressive tactics, which can be discouraging for victims. This is because the goal of insurance companies is to save as much money as possible.


If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of the insurance company, having a lawyer by your side is the best option. Lawyers have extensive experience dealing with even the most aggressive insurance companies and will use their negotiation techniques to ensure you can get the settlement you deserve.


A Lawyer Can Help Determine Fault

Determining fault isn’t always easy. If this is your situation, then you should certainly consider hiring a lawyer for your case.


If liability is unclear, then this means that you will be responsible for proving that you are not at fault, which requires a lot of evidence. A lawyer can support you by gathering pertinent documentation to ensure you have a successful case.


Hire a Lawyer You Can Trust

Do you need a lawyer in Boca Raton, FL? If you’ve been in an accident, having a trusted lawyer by your side is the key to success.


Here at Bernstein | Polsky, we are your experienced and trusted lawyers in Boca Raton, FL and we believe in fighting for the rights of every last one of our clients.


If you were a victim of an accident and looking to seek compensation for your injuries, we can help. Our team has the skills and experience to deal with insurance companies and help our clients reach a fair settlement. Contact us today to learn more.