A Few Recent Changes Coming to The Law

The United States has seen significant changes in the way claims are filed and prosecuted over the last decade. Technological advancements and increased research into relevant scientific knowledge have made these changes possible. This article explores how these changes have impacted the legal field and what this means for individuals injured by medical malpractice in Boca Raton, FL.


Reduces Litigation and Uncertainty

The changes to the personal injury law have resulted in a reduction in the number of cases that go to trial. The new rules make it easier for the parties to settle before the case goes to trial. This is beneficial for both sides as it reduces the amount of time and money spent on litigation. It also means that there is less uncertainty for the parties involved, as they know what the outcome of the case is likely to be.


Encourages Early Settlement

The new rules also encourage parties to settle their cases early. The court will award costs to the party that wins at trial. If one party settles early, they are likely to save money on legal fees.


Makes It Easier to Prove Damages

The changes on the personal injury law have made it easier for plaintiffs to prove their damages. This is because the burden of proof has been lowered. This means that plaintiffs do not need to prove that the medical malpractice harmed them. Instead, they only need to prove that the medical malpractice caused them some form of financial loss.


Increases the Amount That Can Be Awarded in Damages

The changes to the law have also increased the amount awarded in damages. The new rules make it easier for plaintiffs to prove their damages. As a result, plaintiffs are likely to receive a higher amount of compensation than before the changes to the law were made.


Reduces Cost and Time of Litigation

The changes have made also it easier for plaintiffs to sue for medical malpractice. This is because the burden of proof has been lowered. As a result, plaintiffs will save time and money on legal fees.

This can be especially helpful if you have a serious health condition or a family member who has been affected by medical negligence. If you or a loved one has been affected by medical malpractice, you may want to speak to a lawyer about filing a lawsuit. You can also reduce the risk of future medical errors by talking to your doctor about your concerns.

In conclusion, these changes have made it easier for plaintiffs to sue for medical malpractice. This can be helpful if you have been affected by medical negligence. If you or a loved one has been affected by medical malpractice, and you want to speak to a lawyer about filing a lawsuit, contact BP Injury Law in Boca Raton, FL. We can take you through the steps to reduce the risk of future medical errors, like talking to your doctor about your concerns.